Admittedly, I’ve been avoiding doing this post. This week after some convincing from family I finally decided, you know what, why not? I mean, it’s not fair for me to ask other members to do it, if I’m not willing to, right? So here it is my “Transformation Tuesday.”
Like many mom’s out there I have struggled with trying to focus on my fitness, getting healthy, and losing weight. There were always other things that seemed to take priority. There was a household to manage. 4 kids to chase after and run around everywhere. Work, and other excuses I conjured up because let’s face it I was just too tired and too frustrated.
One day, something finally clicked. I can’t pin point it to one particular thing, maybe it was my father’s sudden passing. It could have been the difficulty with getting around. Being unable to keep up, or the frustration of hurting all over, all the time. It could have been the stress of everything building up to the point where I couldn’t sleep most nights. Most likely it was all of it, overwhelming me to the point where I finally accepted something had to change.
So I started with baby steps, going to Crossfit classes a couple days a week. I mean my husband was doing it. He was kicking ass, slimming down and getting fit, surely I can freaking do it! And no lie, it was hard! Getting back into the swing of things. Working out, hurting all over, willing myself to get up the next day and do it again despite the soreness. But I did, and over time it slowly got a little bit easier. I continue to do it, because this time I am bound and determined to get stronger. I will continue to work towards my weightless goal. And I will continue to do things I never thought I’d have the strength to do.
In the last couple of years, I finally quit smoking yep and vaping (people always seemed surprised by this). I’ve lost a few pounds and dropped my body fat percentage. I’ve gotten stronger and accomplished things, I never thought I’d be able to do:
- a couple state records in powerlifting
- completing a 31 mile kayak race, TWICE
- Box jumps, a hand stand (what!!!!)
There are still things I’m working on. I’m trying to get that first pull-up. Drop that body fat percentage down even lower. The progress seems so slow at times, but I am making progress. No lie, some days are harder than others. So hard! BUT I have some of the best coaches pushing me. And a second to none cheer squad of fellow athletes going through the same struggles which helps SO much. They push me and encourage me to be better. To push harder and chase that next goal or new adventure and I appreciate them all so much for it.
So whatever reasons you had yesterday to wait till tomorrow…you’ll start next month, maybe even next year. Just stop. Own up to the fact that they’re just excuses. Maybe even a touch of fear holding you back and keeping you from being awesome. No lie, starting is gonna be hard but I promise it’s gonna be so worth it once you hit that first milestone. You’ll crush that first goal and then you’ll be unstoppable and hopefully, I’ll get to be there cheering you on every step of the way!! We got this!!!